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Sir Slartibartfast
Slartibartfast is a Magrathean, and a designer of planets. His favourite part of the job is creating coastlines, the most notable of which are the fjords found on the coast of Norway on planet Earth, for which he wins an award.
When Earth Mk. II is being made, Slartibartfast is assigned to the continent of Africa. He is unhappy about this because he wants to make more fjords (arguing that they give a continent a baroque feel), and fjords in Africa would be hard for him to explain without natural glacial movement.
In any event, the new Earth is not required and, much to Slartibartfast's disgust, its owners suggested that he take a quick skiing holiday on his glaciers before dismantling them.
In Life, the Universe and Everything Slartibartfast has joined the Campaign for Real Time (or CamTim as the volunteers casually refer to it, a reference to CAMRA) which tries to preserve events as they happened before time travelling was invented. He picks up Arthur and Ford from Lord's Cricket Ground with his Starship Bistromath, after which they head out to stop the robots of Krikkit from bringing together the pieces of the Wikkit Gate.
When he first meets Arthur, Slartibartfast imparts the following wisdom on life:
Slartibartfast: "Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, 'Hang the sense of it,' and keep yourself busy. I'd much rather be happy than right any day."
Arthur: "And are you?"
Slartibartfast: "Ah, no. (laughs) Well, that's where it all falls down, of course."
Factory Floor Tour Video
The video above is(about 5 Earth minutes long) a brief tour of the Magrathea working floor. This was recorded when an Earthman (Arthur Dent) visited with us and Sir Slartibartfast gave him a tour.
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Morbi pulvinar nulla sit amet nisl. Praesent a eros. Phasellus magna sem, vulputate eget, ornare sed, dignissim sit amet, pede. In tempus urna. Quisque arcu ante, cursus in, ornare quis, viverra ut, justo.
Suspendisse viverra placerat tortor. Pellentesque sit amet dui vel justo gravida auctor. Nam nisl quam, posuere non, volutpat sed, semper vitae, magna. Praesent semper, neque vel condimentum hendrerit, lectus elit pretium ligula, nec consequat nisl velit at dui. Nullam venenatis gravida orci.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In consectetuer, lorem eu lobortis egestas, velit odio imperdiet eros, sit amet sagittis nunc mi ac neque. Integer risus velit, facilisis eget, viverra et, venenatis id, leo.
Donec interdum vestibulum libero. Proin dolor sapien, adipiscing id, sagittis eu, molestie viverra, mauris.
Pellentesque condimentum felis a sem. Phasellus at purus sed purus cursus iaculis. Mauris ac massa vestibulum nisl facilisis viverra.
Earth & Earth Mk.II
We built two of this one. Good thing we did because the first one has since been destroyed by the Vogons.
Aliquam justo lectus, iaculis a, auctor sed, congue in, nisl. Quisque malesuada nulla sed pede volutpat pulvinar. Sed quis elit. Mauris urna sem, suscipit vitae, dignissim id, ultrices sed, nunc. Maecenas justo. Nulla sed lacus.
Quisque pretium rutrum ligula. Pellentesque suscipit accumsan massa.
Suspendisse viverra placerat tortor. Pellentesque sit amet dui vel justo gravida auctor. Nam nisl quam, posuere non, volutpat sed, semper vitae, magna. Praesent semper, neque vel condimentum hendrerit, lectus elit pretium ligula, nec consequat nisl velit at dui. Nullam venenatis gravida orci.
Integer risus velit, facilisis eget, viverra et, venenatis id, leo. Mauris sed nulla quis nisi interdum tempor. Curabitur tincidunt tellus nec purus. Nam rhoncus, lectus vel hendrerit congue, nisl lorem feugiat ante, in fermentum erat nulla tristique arcu.